Innovative Information Highway
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.

Innovative Information Highway
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.

Innovative Information Highway
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.

Innovative Information Highway
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.

Innovative Information Highway
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.
Allowing health care providers to view a patient’s medical history.

Patient Information Access = Well-Informed Decisions
The South Carolina eHealth Alliance (SCeHA) was formed by merging two South Carolina Health Information Exchanges (HIEs): the South Carolina Health Information Exchange (SCHIEx), the original state HIE, and the Carolina eHealth Alliance (CeHA) serving the Charleston area. This consolidation offers several benefits, including achieving economies of scale by reducing operational costs, simplifying access to patient information by minimizing the number of sources to check, and transitioning to a new platform designed for state-level operations and reporting.